Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ida's rocking the store with loads of new goodies....

Back again, and this time I have some totally awesome new goodies from Ida to show off to you all today.

by Mizzd-Stock

And here is my page using this awesome pack.

Fairytale Cure

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

by Mizzd-Stock

And here is my page using this awesome pack too.

Castle Beauty

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

by Mizzd-Stock

Little Doll

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Ok I have one more post to come with some very exciting news from the Deviant Scrap shoppe! Can't wait to share the news with YOU!

LOADS of goodies in Holliewood.......

I'm backkkk! hehehehehe!

This time I have LOADS of gorgeousness from Hollie to show off to you all today.

by Holliewood Studios

And here are my pages using these amazing niches. I had to so much fun using these!

Pea Brained

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.


Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

by Holliewood Studios

And here are my ATC's using this awesome set.

Down In Chinatown

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.


Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Just wait, I have more and more coming your way!

Totally wild new goodies......

I'm back again! This time I have some gorgeous new goodies from heather to show off to you all from TotallyWild Dezinez.

by TotallyWild Dezinez

TotallyWild Dezinez

TotallyWild Dezinez

And here are my pages using these gorgeous goodies and also using all of heather's other amazing goodies except for the Bad Girls Wordart.

Learning Is Fun

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Boss Bee

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

I have loads and loads more to come so hold onto your seats. LOL LOL!

Come along to Eleanor's Avenue....

Good Morning!

I have a new kit from Clementine Design to show off to you all today. Let's all venture down Eleanor's Avenue together.

by Clementine Design

And here is my page using this beauty.

Eleanors Avenue

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

I shall be back very shortly with some more goodies to show off to you all.
I hope this finds you all going great and I hope you all have a great week.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Autumn is breezing into the Northern Hemisphere....

Good Afternoon!

Wow this weather is so up and down here this week. One minute you'd swear Spring had arrived and then 5 minutes later it's pouring with rain and hail. Winter, Spring, Winter, Spring. Make up your mind already weather. LOL! I so can't wait until Summer hits I tell ya.

And as we are about to head into Spring next week down here in the Southern Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere is about to head into Autumn/Fall. This year is flying along so fast! And now that Autumn is approaching up there, the scrap world is also heading that way and today I have a beautiful new Autumn kit from Natalie of Tiramisu Design to show off to you all.

by Tiramisu Design

And here are my pages using this beautiful kit.

Autumn Breeze

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Autumn Babe

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Ok I must keep moving and keep playing catch up for a bit because I am having a few weeks away from the computer through the daytime because my parents will be here earlier than first thought. How EXCITING! They get on the boat on Wednesday night and will be here around 9.30am Thursday morning. I can't wait and we are keeping it a secret from the girls and Mum and Dad are going to go and pick them up from school that afternoon and surprise them. As far as they know, Granma and Poppy are going to be here on Father's Day, 5th of September. So it's going to be an amazing day. The removalists will be here the day before so Dunno and I are going to get stuck in and have as much as we can done for them so they can relax when they hit Tassie ground. So so can't wait. I love having my Mum and Dad around me. They are my rock and I love them so much.

I hope this finds you all going amazing and having a brilliant day or night wherever this may find you and I hope you all have a great weekend. I shall be back over the next day or so with some new goodies to show off.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Butterfly Effect OPEN is calling YOU!

I was just over at my girl Two's blog (Two Dresses Studio) and I just saw the most beautiful blog post EVER and I am joining in on the project and I urge everyone to have a go too!

The Holocaust Museum Houston in Texas, USA has project underway called "The Butterfly Project" and their mission is as follows:

The Holocaust Museum Houston is dedicated to educating people about the Holocaust, remembering the 6 million Jews and other innocent victims and honoring the survivors' legacy. Using the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides, we teach the dangers of hatred, prejudice and apathy.
And the tag line following it reads:
Stop Hate. Starting Here.

The Butterfly Project mandate is  to remember the 1,500,000 innocent children who perished as a result of the Holocaust by collecting 1.5 million handmade butterflies.

 In Spring 2013, these butterflies will then become a break-taking exhibition to serve as a memory of this event.

 Can you imagine? 1.5 million children translated into 1.5 million butterflies....?  If you wondering why a butterfly, the project is based on this poem:

I Never Saw Another Butterfly

The last, the very last,

So richly, brightly, dazzlingly yellow
Perhaps if the sun’s tears would sing 
against a white stone....

Such, such a yellow
Is carried lightly ’way up high.
It went away I’m sure 
because it wished 
to kiss the world good-bye.

 For seven weeks I’ve lived in here
Penned up inside this ghetto.
But I have found what I love here.
The dandelions call to me
And the white chestnut branches in the court.

Only I never saw another butterfly. 
That butterfly was the last one.
Butterflies don’t live in here, in the ghetto.

Written  by Pavel Friedman, June 4, 1942

Born in Prague on Jan. 7, 1921.
Deported to the Terezin Concentration Camp on April 26, 1942.
Died in Aushchwitz on Sept. 29, 1944.

Pavel Friedman was only 23 years old!
I knew instantly as soon as I started reading Two's post that I want to be a part of this moving and beautiful project. I have spent a lot of time reading books about the Holocaust and it saddens me to think that any human being could do this to another human being and innocent children of all things! This is such a great cause and I encourage each and everyone one to join in with us all as we make a special butterfly for each of those 1.5 million children who's lives were taken way to soon!

Two will be collecting all of the beautiful butterflies we make. She will open the envelopes, photograph the butterflies and begin collecting a box full of butterflies to send on behalf of us all!

Will you play with us? Would you love to be a part of this? Join in and make a butterfly?

 We'll call it ....

The Butterfly Effect "OPEN" - anyone, any place, any age....

...borrowing from chaos theory, but much more importantly based on the wonderful notion that if enough people think enough healing thoughts, then slowly our world will be at peace. No one said it better than Gandhi - Be the change you want to see in the world.

 The power of the collective consciousness. Wouldn't this be a great place to start?

Consider yourself invited!

How it will work - 

Follow the instructions  as outlined by the Holocaust Museum highlighted in blue below.  When your copyright free butterfly is completed, pop it into an envelope including your name, email and blog or web address and mail it to:

Two Dresses Studio
1554 - 20 Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB  T1K1E9

Deadline -  yet to be decided

When Two receives your butterfly, she will email you and then snap a photograph and post it in a central post with a link back to your blog or website. The day after the deadline, she will send them on their way....

Or, if you'd prefer to bypass the group project,  (though it won't be as much fun!) and still want to contribute,  mail it directly to this address:

Holocaust Museum Houston

Butterfly Project
Education Department
5401 Caroline St.
Houston, TX 77004

~Here are the Instructions for Making the Butterfly ~

•Butterflies should be no larger than 8 inches by 10 inches.

•Butterflies may be of any medium the artist chooses, but two-dimensional submissions are preferred.

•Glitter and all glitter-related products should not be used.

•Food products (cereal, macaroni, candy, marshmallows or other perishables) also should not be used.

Want to play but time broke?  Well, I have an 'app' for that!   Here's a simple, quick and easy solution for you. If you head on over to Two's blog HERE, you can grab up some beautiful butterfly images to get you on your way with your project.

Want to get others involved? Here are a few ways - 

1. Click on the image of the hand holding the butterfly above,  add it to your sidebar and link it back here.

2. Or write a post about it, or post your butterfly to your sidebar.

3. Or tell two people and ask them to tell two people.

4.  Are you an educator or a teacher? Get your class involved. The organizers have a special section devoted for this very purpose here along with five activities, objectives, lesson plans and examples.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email Two (Trudi) at twodressesstudio@shaw.ca or check out her blog post
and watch the butterflies flutter all over her blog.

 Finally - here are  a few links for more information:
1.  Holocaust Museum Houston
2.  The Butterfly Project
3.  Butterfly Utopia (direct link to the black and white butterfly images Two has on her blog)

Remember, don't forget to include your email address and your website or blog address so Two can link your butterfly photo back to you.
Make sure to bookmark Two's post too so you can go back and watch the butterflies appear on her blog!

And a huge thank you in advance for playing along. I so can't wait to see what you all create!
Really hope you can join in on this amazing project!

Do I smell new blood in the Deviant Scrap shop?????

I CERTAINLY DO smell new blood in the Deviant Scrap shop! Our very own rock chick, Evelyn (aka fincraft) has rocked her way into the store with some wicked as vintage goodies! Yep, Ev is our brand spankin new designer over in DS and you can find her selling as Finecrafted Designs!

How exciting and COOL is THAT! Yayyyy Ev! I am sooooo excited for ya girl and want to wish you all the very very best with your venture over into the darkside! You rock hard girl!
Love Ya!

Now to show off Ev's amazing goodies! Her store is bursting at the seams with some very awesome products and if you are after anything medical, she's the girl to see! And what's even better, Ev has offered up a matching FREEBIE so you can test the waters and trust me, you will want to dive in, head first!

by Finecrafted Designs

by Finecrafted Designs

by Finecrafted Designs

And here are the 4 pieces I have made so far! Looooved playing with these!

Medication Time

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Service Women

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Good For What Ails Ya

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Cure My Cough

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

How awesome hey! Head on over and check out all of Ev's new products and give your Paypal accounts a work out! You won't be sorry!
Ok I best keep moving and do a spot of housework, aghhh, and then get back and keep playing once Lil is down for her nap. I hope this finds you all going so amazing and I hope you had a great weekend!

A beautiful Rose Garden for you....

Good Morning!

Guess what? Holl's been at it again and has one very beautiful and precious Rose Garden for you all to grab up today in the Deviant Scrap shop. It's totally BLOOMING gorgeous! And also on two of the pages I have used SherrieJD's totally adorable and precious Fair Maidens! They are so PRETTY!

by Holliewood Studios

by SherrieJD

And here are, wait for it, my SIX pages using this precious kit!

In The Rose Garden

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Garden Tranquillity

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Fair Maiden Vol.1

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Fair Maiden Vol.2

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Little Eden

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Bubby Flutterby

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Ok must keep moving and I shall be back very shortly with some HUGE and EXCITING news from Deviant Scrap! YAYYYYYYYY!