WOW it's after midday here already. I am even further behind today than yesterday. LOL! This post will take a fair while too because I have gone over my tiny little peak hour data usage for the month and it's sending me insane. The sooner they turn DSL on at our exchange the better I tell ya. I miss my DSL so very much. Cheaper and with LOADS more data limits too. Hurry up {pleaseeeee} Telstra and upgrade our exchange.
LOL! I say that like they are going to be reading this. LOL LOL!
(Edited to say it took 46 minutes to upload these 3 images, OMG! LOL! Telstra, PULL YA SOCKS UP!)
I went shopping again, anyone would think I have a serious addiction, LOL! But I grabbed up Em-ka's gorgeous kit, Into The Grove and it's so pretty and magical. Loved playing with this heaps and I made another RAK page for Marzenka (sussieM) because her beautiful little fairy just HAD to go with this kit.
by Em-ka Designs
And here is my RAK page for Marzenka. Hope you like it Sweetie.
Fairy In The Grove
Click Here to view full credits in my DST Gallery.
Ok I have to keep running again. This week is crazy here and I have sooooo much to do around this house. I am slowly getting somewhere, I think. LOL! I hope this finds you all going amazing and having a great day or night wherever this may find you. It's almost the weekend. YAYYY!
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