Monday, May 31, 2010

"Play Time" by Mimilou

Good Morning!

Guess what?? I can finally upload images again. OMG what a LONG weekend without being able to just do a simple upload of one layout online. I was on the phone with my tech first thing Saturday morning and got told I am a rare case (like I haven't been told that before LOL) and I had to wait until Monday to contact them again if it wasn't working. Well I just got out of bed, turned the PC on and tried to upload an image and whatta ya know, it WORKED! YAYYYY! It was something to do with the stupid morons who own my modem and satellite dish. I could do everything, absolutely everything apart from upload an image and then my connection would die on me. Aghhhh! But it seems to all be working now and hopefully it keeps on working. What a headache!

Today is also the first day of the kids school holidays for 2 weeks too so the next fortnight here is going to be FLAT OUT! Aghhhh! LOL! I plan on equalling out everything online and offline and I am going to do a huge clean upstairs while they are home with me and get rid of all the crap we don't need to hoard anymore from clothes to toys to everything. Think I have a big job ahead of me but will be stocking the Salvation Army up with a fair bit so I hope it can help others more unfortunate than we are.

Ok getting back on track. LOL! I have a really cute kit to show off to you all today from Mimilou, aka MDesigns Creations.

by MDesigns Creations

And here is my page using this cutie.

Play Time

Click Here to view full credits in my DS gallery.

Ok I have to keep moving for the moment and I will be back this week with some very very amazing new kits to show off. I can't wait! Especially now that I can upload again. YAYYYY! Fingers crossed it NEVER happens again.
I hope this finds you all going amazing and I hope you all had a brilliant weekend or are still having a brilliant weekend and I shall be back through the week.


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