Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Deviant Scrap is LOADED full of goodies...

Back again and this time I have some totally awesome and cool news to show off and some totally awesome new goodies from my girls over at Deviant Scrap!

I will start off with a total MUST HAVE element pack from the one and only Hollie from Holliewood Studios! This pack is soo awesome and I can tell you now I will be using it over and over and over again. This girl rocks everything and anything she touches I tell ya.

by Holliewood Studios

And here are both of my pieces using this brilliant pack. I gotta advise on the first piece, probably only Aussie's will get the whole joke in it but OMG it's still making me laugh. A little story behind it, the woman is our brand new female Prime Minister (first EVER female Prime Minister) of Australia and the bloke is the Ex Prime Minister who she totally back stabbed and got booted from his seat. Don't get me wrong, I think he is a total idiot but my heart did break for him on the day he got booted and the way they went about it. Gotta love Politicians, NOT! LOL!

How Our Pollies Do It

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

My next piece is using a mixture of things with Holl's signs and also a part of my exciting news yet to come too. LOL!

My Private Hideaway

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

And now onto that exciting news that I keep going on about. hehehehe! Hold onto your chairs because this is going to BLOW YOU AWAY! Ida from Mizzd-Stock from over at DeviantArt has opened up shop over at Deviant Scrap and I am sooooo excited for her AND all of her customers too because this girl is doing us ALL the biggest favour!
Ida is selling her stock images over at Deviant Scrap as, wait for it, fully full on pre-extracted packs and OMG can I tell you now, they are worth every CENT! They are so perfectly extracted and so perfect to make your art even faster. I know, amazing hey! I am so excited and so honoured to be a part of her CT.
Thank you again so very MUCH Ida!

Here are some pages I have made so far using Ida's already extracted images. This girl ROCKS!

by Mizzd-Stock

Tudor Mansion

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Winter Moods

Click Here to view full credits in my DS Gallery.

Ok I have to keep moving and keep catching up. I will be back later in the week with a totally AMAZING and ADORABLE new kit to show off to you all from another one of my gorgeous designers.
I hope this finds you all going amazing and having an awesome week!


SONDRA said...

LOVE "Politicians"! LOL! Great job! LOL! I'll be laughing all day! Thanks!

Sally said...

Eheheheh!!!!!!!! Your art is amazing sweetie!!! So I have something for you on my Blog:

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Oh my gosh, Tara! You are such a deviant and so funny! Now, I can't imagine that first piece being welcome just any place, but I'm so proud to be working in a site that welcomes it!

The rest is beautiful and magical as your work always is! Really and truly enchanting!

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